JOHN 1:12
​but as many as received Him, to them He gave authority to become children of God. To the ones believing into his name.
This is great news!!! Any one who receives Jesus Christ and believes in him for real, God adopts them into his family. You and me can be children of God. Isn't that amazing news!!! And with being children of God, come "alot of benefits". He gives us the power to obey his father, just like any decent child will do anyway. Now think about it; us, the ones without any power to be his sons and daughters. There is great Power in Christ Jesus. Where does that Power come from? let's look at our two biggest problems in this life; sin and death​. Jesus Christ overcame sin and death for us. He was send here by his Father, lived a sinfree life, did a great amount of miracles and great things, and took all of our sins on himself and died on the cross in our place. 3 days later he rose from the dead, thereby overcoming death, and death could not hold him anyway, because he of himself had never sinned. That's the proof that he has the power(authority), because he overcame sin and death, our 2 greatest enemies. Therefore he is able now to give to anyone receiving him and believing into his name the power to be an overcomer. And that is the grace of God. And he freely does it( rom 3:24),because he loves us. Now that you are born of God, God's nature is inside of you, you are a child of God and he gives you the power to change. So does that mean you are a super hero now? No it does not. What it means is that you have the power to start overcoming sin and that you no longer need to fear death. And that is great power indeed. But just like a seed, it takes time to grow, it usually doesn't happen overnight, (sometimes it does) So many times I tried to stop sinning of myself, by myself, cause I knew it was wrong to sin, but I could not do it, I could not stop, I could only slow down for a time, but stop i could not.​​​ But now with God's help I'm overcoming sin, and its totally him, and so can you! He will start changing you from the inside out, give you new desires, help you overcome and become more and more like him and isn't that what you really want anyway, become like Jesus Christ?

ROMANS 8:32​ he who indeed did not spare his own Son, but gave him over on behalf of us all, how will He not freely give all things to us with him?

God gave up his only Son Jesus Christ for you and me,​ and he gives us all things to live a succesful christian life, to be an
OVERCOMER. Trust in God, when it gets rough, come to him for help, surrender your struggles to him( the lord will fight for you, you have only to be still)
Many years ago an old christian brother had this advice for a young brother; he said; I know, sometimes it gets very hard, the waves overpower you, the troubles are too much, I know you try to hold on to Christ, but it gets too much. So in those times, just let HIM hold your hand....​
And we have many examples in the bible; how did David slay Goliath? by trusting and believing in God's promise, rather then how it looked at that moment, and trust me it wasn't looking good....​​and many more like that, read Hebrews 11

PHILIPPIANS 1:6​   being persuaded of this very thing, that the one having begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.

Trust ​God's promises, trust that God will do as he said he would, keep coming to him, he is your refuge and shelter.And anyway, looking back, wasn't it God who called you, God who saved you, God who put his Spirit in you -FOR WHAT PURPOSE? To drop you now? To say; buddy i saved you, but now it's up to you? NO, NO AND NO AGAIN​​!!

EPHESIANS 2:10 for we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God before prepared ​that we should walk in them.​
God has a plan for you, trust him. We are the clay, God is the former, he will form you into a glorious new being, trust him.

JOHN 16:13​ but when the one comes, the Spirit of Truth, He will guide you into all Truth,...
The Holy Spirit will lead you and guide you, seek his leading, ​and trust that He will.
-------   I AM ------
J​OHN 14:6 JESUS said to him, I AM the WAY, and                       the TRUTH, and the LIFE.  No one
​​​                   comes to the Father if not through ME.

JOHN 10:9  I AM the DOOR. If anyone enters  through​                    ME, he will be saved and will go in,
                    and will go out, and will find pasture.

JOHN 11:25 Jesus said to her, I AM the                  RESURRECTON and the LIFE.
                the one believing into ME, though he die,  ​               he shall live.

JOHN 8:12  then Jesus again spoke to them, saying,                     I AM the LIGHT of the world. The one
                    following ME will not walk in the darkness​​​​​​,                   not ever, but will have the LIGHT of LIFE.
                    ever, but will have the light of life.

JOHN 15:1  I AM the TRUE VINE, and my Father is                      the vinedresser.

JOHN 10:11 I AM the GOOD SHEPHERD! The                       GOOD SHEPHERD lays down His
                     life on behalf of the sheep.

JOHN 6:48  I AM the ​​​​​BREAD OF LIFE.



Here are scriptures from the Gospel of John, where Jesus said; I am....
So by these scriptures you start to learn who Jesus Christ really is, and that he is exactly what we need and that he is very able to help us.

Hebrews 7:22+25
By so much Jesus has become surety of a better Covenant.
And from this he is able to save to the end completly the ones coming near to God through him who is always living to intercede on their behalf​​​